Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I want to share with you a true story, and I believe that it will bless you as much as it did me.

Following Kenneth Cox teachings on 3ABN (TV) have blessed me so very much. For a number of weeks, he has been teaching on Revelation, and today was the last chapter---Victory Is Won! A wonderful teaching which can be viewed on his site, kennethcoxministries.org
I will not go into the teaching; but what I want to tell you, is the true story that was given at the end of the teaching.

A man and wife were rerturning from a mission field in Africa. They were old now, with little money, and their health was broken. They were boarding a sailing vessel, back to America. Bands were playing, flags waveing, and a lot of excitement was on board.

The missionary couple learned that Teddy Roosevelt was aboard; returning from a hunting trip in Africa. Excitement continued throughout the voyage.

The missionary husband complained to his wife, "It just isn't fair!" "We have given our whole lives in Africa, and no one noticed us with music, or flowers, nor anything!" "It just isn't fair!"
Now throughout the whole trip the husband was very unhappy, shakeing his head and repeating aloud, "It just isn't fair!"

Arriving in New York City, they found small quarters in the City, and proceeded to secure jobs so they could survive. The husband was still unhappy and muttering, "It just isn't fair!"

Finally the wife said to him, "I think you better go into the bedroom and get this settled with God, now. So the husband did as his wife suggested.

Upon his return, the wife said, "Well, did you do it?" With a satisfied look, he said, "Yep!" And the wife said, "Well?" "What did you say, and what did He say?" Looking a bit sheepish, the husband said, "Well, I told Him how unfair it all was---I told him just how I felt." A pause, and then the wife said, "What did He have to say?" With a tiny smile, the husband spoke----"He said,-- Son, you aren't home, yet!"

How many times have we gone through just what this man felt and said? And it was probably for much less than what he had endured.
I must admit that I had to hang my head and think how merciful my Father is to me.

I pray this bit of wisdom touched your heart as it did mine. His love is great toward us. Praise His Holy Name!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The world is tossing to and fro, and during this time, we as Christians, must keep our vessel afloat and remember Who is our Anchor.
Who has directed our path up to this point, and Who will continue?
I pray your answer is the same as mine---Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour!
With the true story that I want to tell you next, may you relax, and find that Holy Spirit is truly our helper in all situtations.
In my last Blog, I have set the stage, here, for another adventure where Holy Spirit will definetly be a Precious Helper.
Please understand, I am definetly feeling alone, as to having any Christian friends.
One day I was in a desperate mood and wondering how I was ever going to find any Christians. I terriably missed the fellowship that came immediately after I was saved. Pouring out my heart to God, once more I got into my "bug" and headed for a nearby road that had a number of houses lined-up on it. Speaking aloud ---"Lord! Help me find some Christians!" Silence. I didn't know a soul on this road; but surely, some house could give me a clue!
Up and down the road my little "bug" chugged several times until I made a decision that started my heart to race. I couldn't just keep going past the same houses. A decision had to be made! Picking out one house, I decided I would just find out!
Going up to the door, with my heart raceing, I gently knocked and almost hoped that no one was home because I really did not know what I was going to say.
I was about to leave, with a sigh of relief, when the door opened!
A tall lady stood before me, and I somehow blurted out, "Does a Christian
live here?" From behind her, a voice came from a high balcony, that said,
"Praise The Lord" "Christians live here!"
Breathing a sigh of relief, they invited me to come in and we had a wonderful conversation!
The voice from the balcony was a man that headed Home Prayer Meetings!
Imagine that!!!
Well you can imagine the good time we had, talking about the Lord!
This was the start of being able to be in fellowship with God's saints, and even resulted in being baptised completely in water---just like Jesus! That is another story that sometime I might get to share it with you.
Our Lord is full of surprises, and He has given me many to share, that you might see how merciful He is to us.
Until another time, keep reading and talk'n to the Lord. He will bless you!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Help From God

Do you ever just sit quietly and ponder on the times that God has helped you? It is a wonderful way to renew our minds-thinking, when things have gone a bit off.
Just after I was saved, I had to return to the State where I was living. I was sure there was not a soul saved in this particular tourist-town and I was wondering how I would ever survive! So, I set out to read more of God's Word.

Just where to start? Was there a particular place that God wanted me to read in His Word?

After about 15 minutes,for some reason or other I got in my little "Bug" and just drove down to the next mountain town. Coming into this town, I turned right and then next left, parked on a typical neighborhood street and looked across the street to a house that sold books. Got out of car, walked into the house which I could see was filled with used books. No one approached me. I took a short few steps, reached for a green covered book, saw 25 cents marked on inside cover, paid for book and left.

Well, you might say, "That's strange!" I didn't even think much about how "strange" it was, right then. I did think a bit later---I have never been to that place! Didn't know it existed!

When I returned home, I settled down to have a look at what I purchased for 25 cents. I liked books, and 25 cents sounded like a good buy; but what did I buy? Reading the title it said, "The Greatest Story Ever Told" And other words read: The Timeless Bestselling Life Of Jesus Christ.

So I thought, "Well, this is probably a good book and I'll have a look at it."

Hours later, I reluctantly laid it down. That book explained so much in a very simple manner and as I thought more about it, and how it came to be in my hands,I simply decided it was just what I needed to start me off in God's Word. I just left it there.

Sometime later, I realized what had happened---really a miracle! God knows us so well. He knew I needed to be introduced to Him in a story form that I could understand, simply. He was right. That reading sparked my desire to keep knowing more about the Jesus that had just saved me.

Then, the Bible was opened to me and I was started on the best adventure of my so-far life!

We never know how Holy Spirit will work in our lives; but I do know that if we just trust and let Him have His way with us, that we are in for many welcomed surprises.

In my next Blog, I will tell you of another time where Holy Spirit led me on another adventure!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

GG's CATCH-UP for 2012

Finally! A new Blog is in order! Can't say what has happened to the time---I just know it went-by!
To catch-up a bit---the Spring and Summer days found me collecting flowers to dry and put on cards for our 20th Nov. sale.
This time is also very busy keeping-up with outside work. Planting flowers to put on my deck and also in my garden.
While my daughter and her husband were away several times during the summer, GG kept 3 dogs eating and playing ball! Seeing that plants had enough water, and weeding!
Late fall I collected some unusual leafs for drying, and then they were put into
interesting designs on card-stock.
November we had our usual Card Sale for friends and new friends. The family-room was ablaze with beautiful color and designs that were turned into unusual
cards. Even though last year and this year were a bit down in sales, we appreciated people taking time from their busy days to come and see what was new.
I have promised myself that I would get back to Portrait Painting after Christmas---well, the new year is in full swing and I haven't even started!
It took awhile to get my house back in order after taking down too many
decorations---but I love it! Through the years, friends have gifted me with
unusual gifts and I always look forward to decorating my house with them!

My Grandmother had a very large German Bible that she kept out in full view, right beside her chair and library table. Somehow I received it. After many years, it was falling apart and I decided to take it apart and keep all the pictures
and many drawings. There were sketches of the disciples---about 2x2 in size, and I decided to paint them---one by one. I still have 5 to do. Right now, Steven is still looking at me from my easel!
What is happening to the time???
Something nice to share with you-----I believe I have been Journaling most of my life and didn't even know it. I just knew I had many small notebooks where I would write down thoughts of what I wanted to remember. I started to see these pretty larger notebooks and I couldn't resist buying one now and then, plus my daughter and friends would give me unusal Journaling books---loved it!
This began my journey with the Lord in writing down my thoughts to him.
You can Journal any time that is best for you and I liked that; however mostly, I start my day with talk'n to the Lord. I simply adore Him and it is a pleasure to spend my morning telling Him this!
He has already given me my next talk-time to you and I can hardly wait to prepare it!
The evening is fast closing and I must say goodnite and God's blessings to each of you. With love, GG Charlotte