Thursday, August 13, 2009


Have you found yourself being somewhat wilted over all that is happening in this world?
You are not alone. Most people, who love the Lord, are concerned and trying their best to understand the problems appearing before their eyes.
Now is the time to remember " the foundation of God stands sure, having the seal, the Lord knows them that are His." (II Tim 2:19 a)
When Paul writes these words to Timothy, his intent is to encourage this young man, and dear brother in the Lord, to be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus. Paul has much to say to Timothy, and chapter 3 even sounds like what we are experiencing today!
Be encouraged! God knows when our faith will be tested and He will be our hiding place, and He will preserve us from all trouble.
Do we believe what He tells us?
I believe all He tells us; but I must say that there are times I have to crank-up my faith, and that's ok, cause this is why He left His Word. He knew we would need encouragement. He tells me to continually put His Word deep-down in my spirit so I can search through these treasurers, when needed. Many times I have had to go treasure hunting!
A great treasure to draw upon is the book of Psalms. They let us know that even through tough times we are able to Praise God and receive peace.
A life example:
There was a period in my life when I needed peace and assurance that God would help me endure circumstances that seemed unbearable. God's answer was to give me songs in the day and songs in the nite!
How did He do that? He led me to the book of Psalms and the Holy Spirit would point out certain words that He would put to music for me. He also supplied an organ and a small lap-harp, and even taught me to play them. The lap-harp was a special blessing as it ministered to others in many different locations. Giving away the Love He gave me! This, I believe, is God's secret love weapon!
The Lap-Harp does not roam anymore. It sits quietly within view as I continue to play His melodies on the organ. By the way, I really don't play worth a hoot; but Jesus doesn't seem to mind.
Speaking of songs--- walking around our wooded grounds, I am greeted by happy sounds from various birds, and even the the wind in the tall oaks have a song of their own. I encourage you to find a quiet place that you can claim as your very own, and God will meet you there with a certain song of joy!
Recently, I was reading some words that David Wilkerson wrote:
" The birds sing while we complain and speak of fear and anxiety. The lilies of the field stand tall in their glory,---while we wilt and bend before the smallest adversity."
Something is very wrong here and it is not the birds nor the lilies! Could it be our
With anxious news swirling about the airwaves, we are going to have to keep on the "whole armour of God" And having done all we know how to do---STAND!!!
Lets make sure that if our ears hear, or our eyes see things that bring anxiety to our well-being, that we will go treasure hunting in words that are promised by our Holy Father! His Word will always lift you to soar in the heavenlies!
His Love is peace and joy.
My love to you, Great Grandmother Charlotte

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